A story of honor, loyalty, betrayal, and love, The Boy from the Snow by author Maria Johnson is a historical fiction novel that follows a soldier - Daniel, son of Kellan - on his journey of survival and self-discovery. Set in Northwest Celtic England, 590 AD, behind the backdrop of bloody battles and political deceit, at the heart of this epic tale is a love story. With The Boy from the Snow, Johnson gives readers an easy-to-follow plot, plenty of action, and an honest and loyal main character they can root for from beginning to end. For me, one of the things that stands out most about The Boy from the Snow is Johnson’s use of strong female characters. Princess Evelyn, along with Daniel’s friends Aife and Sarah, are critical to the storyline and are never overshadowed by the male characters in the book, not even on the battlefield. This is a story where the men respect females for their abilities and strength, which made me enjoy reading it even more. Female warriors are the bomb. Hoorah! The Boy from the Snow is the first of its series and does a good job of piquing reader’s interest in following Daniel’s story into Johnson’s second novel, The Veiled Wolf. All in all, if you’re a fan of historical fiction and/or tales of war and love, pour yourself a mug of mead and consider checking out Maria Johnson’s The Boy from the Snow. It just might warm your heart. |
About Beatniks
Beatnik Books is part bookstore part poetry venue. Owned by the Mooseville Poet Laureate, Beatnik's is simply a comfortable place to hang out and soak up the written word. The Mooseville Poet Laureate:
She's been a magic rock dealer, the president of a lawn mowing
service, an umpire, a photographer, and a peddler of expensive vacuums. Her
responsibilities have included feeding anorexics, wiping the elderly, issuing
cigarettes, and keeping an eye on people who see ants crawling all over their
shoes. In record time, she's dropped checks, delivered oysters, filled coffee,
boxed leftovers, shaken martinis and crafted daiquiris. She can bean count and
number crunch, counsel and educate, smooth talk and copy sling. Currently, she's
a mother, a daughter, a sister, a lover, a warrior, a poet, a
jester, a dreamer, and the leader of her own lip sync band.
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