If you're looking for a fun, original, and hardworking artist to add to you music library, check out 21 SOULBLAZE.
Lionel Kelvin D'Cruz is one of the most engaging and hardworking performers we've seen awhile. Not only is he personable on camera and has a great voice, but he also writes good songs, produces and directs his own videos and webisodes, and is a solid publicist. Plus, he's funny.
In addition to being a multi-talented artist, Lionel studied Mass Communications in Singapore through the Oklahoma City University program. D'Cruz and fellow classmate Kuhan, a.k.a. Afro, created J Soul Records, a Singaporean record, talent, music, and entertainment management company that produces urban pop and other contemporary music.
21 SOULBLAZE made its debut with the pop single "I Got You," which was shown on MTV in Asia, Thailand and the Philippines and was also featured on VH1 India. The tune is catchy and the lyrics are fun and impressively delivered.
Lionel Kelvin D'Cruz is one of the most engaging and hardworking performers we've seen awhile. Not only is he personable on camera and has a great voice, but he also writes good songs, produces and directs his own videos and webisodes, and is a solid publicist. Plus, he's funny.
In addition to being a multi-talented artist, Lionel studied Mass Communications in Singapore through the Oklahoma City University program. D'Cruz and fellow classmate Kuhan, a.k.a. Afro, created J Soul Records, a Singaporean record, talent, music, and entertainment management company that produces urban pop and other contemporary music.
21 SOULBLAZE made its debut with the pop single "I Got You," which was shown on MTV in Asia, Thailand and the Philippines and was also featured on VH1 India. The tune is catchy and the lyrics are fun and impressively delivered.
I Got You
Based on an original script, "The Road Less Taken" is a musical sitcom about two young hopefuls attempting to make it in the music and entertainment industry in Singapore. Although the webisodes are hard to find online, the webisode's theme song is readily available and is an excellent jam whether you're cruising in your convertible or hopping on a subway.
The Road Less Taken
"The Road Less Taken" is impressive not only from a musical point of view, but also from a promotional perspective. J Soul Records used guerrilla marketing and social media to help build buzz about the project. They also garnered media coverage from more traditional media outlets.
The Road Less Taken Promo
21 SOULBLAZE songs are not yet available on iTunes, that's how exclusive this artist is. If you'd like to get the songs and videos for your iPhone you need to say three Hail Marys and use conversion programs like Garage Band and Firefox plug ins.
If you don't want to go through the trouble of ripping off videos from YouTube, you can hear 21 SOULBLAZE featured on Kopi Dangdut by Singaporean indie pop band, the Sallys on their album An Unlikely Story. The song is catchy and makes you feel like you're on vacation sipping margaritas.
If you don't want to go through the trouble of ripping off videos from YouTube, you can hear 21 SOULBLAZE featured on Kopi Dangdut by Singaporean indie pop band, the Sallys on their album An Unlikely Story. The song is catchy and makes you feel like you're on vacation sipping margaritas.
Kopi Dangdut - The Sallys
All in all, give 21 SOULBLAZE a try. The songs make you feel good, get your feet moving, and are an impressive feat that deserves a nod of recognition. It's testament to what's possible when you have a dream and actively pursue it. We could all take a cue from Lionel Kelvin D'Cruz.